Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I carry my heart gently.
I feel the rhythm.

It is mine to give or mine to keep.

I hold it out to some,
not everyone wants it.

Sometimes I hide it away.
I forget that I have one.
Could I miss the one that wants it?

Sometimes others give me theirs.
I look at it with it's rapid pattern.

Is this for me?
Can I really have this?
Sometimes they take it back.

It takes me a while to get mine back, sometimes.
I can't just leave it with someone who doesn't want it though.

One day someone will cherish it.
I will wait.
I won't have to give it,
it won't have to be taken.
It will... just be theirs.


  1. I like this poem!
    Very nice!

    "Sometimes I hide it away.
    I forget that I have one.
    Could I miss the one that wants it?"

    - I feel the same fear too.

    "I won't have to give it,
    it won't have to be taken.
    It will... just be theirs."

    - I like these last lines.
    Love that is cherished flows naturally and no conscious effort is involved - maybe that's part of what you mean by these lines?

    Thank you for the poem! :D

    1. I am glad you enjoyed the poem.

      It can be frightening to open up and post something so delicate. Your response makes me happy I did, I feel that I can share such thing with you without anxiety.

      In these times when the idea of love is portrayed and pushed constantly by media and those around us, it becomes less natural. It becomes difficult not to worry about and become damaged when it doesn't work out or if we are single for too long. I feel the best thing to do is create a strong self so that we are ripe for when love does happen. To force love is to falsify it which often leads to needless heart break.

      It is just as you have interpreted :)

      Thanks for your support and thoughts on this Says!
